By Deb Rosenberg
Invitations: Sending out an invitation that has the famous "Welcome to Las Vegas" billboard on it is perfect. At the end of the invitation include a line that says something like "What happens at Sarah's Viva Las Vegas party stays at Sarah's Viva Las Vegas Party" (a play off the wildly popular "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" advertising campaign).

Decorations: You just can't beat the prom party professionals (like Andersons or Stumps)for amazing props and decorations. Here focus more on the "Welcome to Las Vegas" or "Viva Las Vegas" entry arches, Palm tree props, etc. than the purely casino/gambling decorations and props).
* Have the wait staff dressed as lounge lizards. (gold lame jackets, 'silk' shirts, slicked back hair). Most costume stores can help you here and if you don't have one where you live there online costume stores too
* Hire an Elvis impersonator. Young and old alike will love this. He can put on a short show and then just mosey on through the party striking up poses with guests. Make sure a photographer is on hand to give the photo to the guests (Polariods are perfect for this!). There may be other 'Vegas' impersonators that would also appropriate for the party.
* Vegas is known for buffets so serving the meal buffet style is certainly appropriate. Having 'stations' - entrée, sides, etc. is also a nice touch.
* Of course you can set up 'gambling' (card tables, roulette, etc.) or you can avoid the 'gambling' aspect of Vegas and focus more on the 'glam' - headliners, big lights, etc.
* Shirley Temples for all! After all - what would a Vegas party be without a mixed (non-alcoholic for the young) drinks.
* Make sure the music for the night include some famous Vegas Headliners: Sinatra, Cher, Celine Dion, etc.
Party Favors: Send your guests home with a smile and a memento from your party. Party favors could include: bags of personalized chocolate poker chips, personalized decks of cards featuring the "Welcome to Las Vegas" icon, oversized fuzzy dice or Vegas themed grippy socks.
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