My Sweet Memories Of Prom EventsBy Yuni Kristanti

I was now 40 years old, I was a housewife who has two children who are in school, my husband worked at government agencies and even sometimes have to leave town for several days. Sometimes I feel lonely because everyone is busy, there is a school, work or other activities outside the city.

When I opened the photo album, prom memories, nostalgic feel to see a picture of me when I was young, clean skin with a splashy makeup style. All my friends froze when he saw me entering the building. How proud and pleased my heart because everyone fixated on appearance. And I only bought the dress but with the help of former washerwoman satisfactory results. Long prom dress can look new again and look great.

Prom is always a nice event for the life of the girl. Especially regarding matters of the heart, this is a good time to speak up or attract the attention of the opposite sex. And then also, I heard a boy friend the love expressed to me on the podium. I felt embarrassed, pleased also touched. My feelings are not known but I accept his love. The man is my husband now. We sing, dance and have fun as there is no longer sorrow. Very sweet memory.
I saw my kids come home from school, it's time to prepare their lunch. I close this first album, an album that holds many fond memories of time young. And great prom Sweet memories!
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